Sunday, June 28, 2009

I gave in to the MVC beast

So today I stopped by my local, friendly Barnes and Noble and picked up a book on MVC. I had previously sworn it off as an evil little beast that I had no time for, but in temporarily postponing my iPhone/Objective-C development goals in lieu of more .Net based education, I figured I should open myself up to this whole MVC deal in case it does actually catch on. Plus, so many people seem obsessed with the new kid on the MS block I figured it couldn't hurt for me to learn my way around it for work.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's June, So I Must Be...

Okay, had a little bit of time off from this whole deal and the time has come to re-evaluate all of this blogging business. I've been keeping keen on current events (you know, lots of Buzz Out Loud, Gadgettes, and Inside CNet Labs), working on my XNA skills, and spending an amazing amount of time working with Silverlight at work to hopefully come up with something neat.

So what's next?

I'm trying to answer that question currently and have come to a few conclusions. The first is that iPhone development is pretty much on hold. I know, I know, there were supposed to be great things coming from that and I was supposed to make my first million selling some crappy little iPhone game. Why did I come to this conclusion? A few reasons, actually, namely that I am not really in a position to devote that much time to learning and becoming acquainted with a new programming language.

:: gasp, did he really say that? ::

Indeed! As is, I am behind the curve on the wonder that is C# (and .Net in general), and considering my job sort of revolves around that, I think that is time better spent. Plus, looking at some of the wonders coming out of the XAML (Silverlight + WPF) front, I think my time is much better spent there, furthering my skills and making me all around better with one technology before delving into another.

But what else uses C#? XNA! That's right, I'm also learning to develop with the XNA framework, allowing me to (hopefully) have a future in developing games for Windows, XBox, and my beloved Zune.

Big plans, big plans. But the wife is anxious to go watch home shows, so we're off to HGTV land.

More to come soon, and it won't be six months before the next post.


P.S. - And Ekator, oh, it's coming.

Monday, January 26, 2009

First time is a charm

Hello World! ;D

Sorry, had to go with the stereotypical dorky programmer entrance to this whole blog scene. Looking forward to posting a lot more thoughts and theories on here, but this is just an extension of my setup process so I don't have any deeply motivational things to put up here... yet.

The world of development is huge and I'm working on carving out my own subset of this madness, which will include (in no particular order, hence it's a ul instead of an ol):
  • ASP.Net Ajax
  • Silverlight
  • WPF
  • Objective-C/Cocoa (iPhone!)

So stay tuned... more to come and all that good stuff.